About Dawn
Massage Therapist, Airbnb Consultant, once M.D.
I’m passionate about my work and making a real difference in people’s lives, in their healing journeys and journeys of self discovery. Whether giving massage, teaching massage to couples, clients, other therapists or hosting retreats.
Born and raised in Alaska to adventurous parents, who left the dry, flat panhandle of west Texas in their late 60s mustang and drove the Alaska-Canada Highway on a whim with no employment and no family waiting their arrival, I gained a questing, independent, march-to-my-own-drummer streak early on. And a Gypsy soul to travel the world, meeting all sorts of people in their slice of life and thrilling at the discovery of the new, different and foreign.
I’ve been doing bodywork for almost a decade now and it has been one of the most rewarding and profound experiences of my life. Massage is more than pain relief and relaxation, though things are wonderful. It can bring a sense of connection and being seen on a non-judgmental level many of us don’t often experience, a chance to come home to ourselves, in our body and out of our head, to turn off a noisy, busy brain and be very present. To reach a very deeply relaxed, liminal state. It is not unusual for me to experience a state of flow and joy while giving bodywork. It is an art and a dance as well. I am honored and humbled to have been given this gift to help others heal and to hold space for you.
Having experienced chronic pain myself over the years, I have learned experientially along with my medical background and knowledge of physiology, anatomy, biochemistry and a bunch of other related subjects (med school and rotations are a DELUGE of information ); later herbal medicine; then massage therapy and studying pain science and meditation, many ways of addressing and managing chronic pain.
Bodywork can be a part of this. But there are many others ways to deal with chronic pain including appropriate physical activity of a variety of forms; cognitive approaches; meditative journeying; EFT tapping; hypnotherapy; journaling; food and plant-based, dreamwork and more. If you’re struggling with chronic pain and want better, let’s chat.
I highly recommend Dawn for any type of therapy/session she offers. She is a gift to our community and my time with her always leaves me feeling healthier, happier and more grounded.